Expert Tips On LOOKING AFTER Your Cat

Cats need toys. When left on their own, cats can climb around your furniture and scratch everything up. As a way to combat this, you have to be knowledgeable on cats' behavior. Study from this article about how to properly care for your feline friend.

Spay your cat the moment she is old enough. Even if your cat can be an indoor cat, if she escapes while she actually is in heat you might end up with a lot of kittens on your own hands. Spaying your cat is the foremost way to prevent this from happening.

Avoid eye contact to create friends with a cat. Ever wonder why cats seem drawn to the one who likes cats the least? The solution lies in cat body language. To cats, staring is "rude" and will be considered a challenge. Looking away demonstrates you respect their space and are not going to be considered a threat. So next time you are looking to meet a new feline friend, look away and let them approach you.

If your cat is picky about drinking water, choose cat fountain. These battery operated or plug in fountains keep water circulating and aerated. Many cats prefer this. A cat fountain will help keep your cat out of the kitchen sink and the bathroom .. It will also assist in preventing your cat from pawing water onto the floor in search of fresh water.

Protect your cat from choking. Make sure to dispose of fish and poultry bones safely. Wrap them in a paper or plastic bag and put them in your outdoor garbage can with the lid tightly secured. Alternately, place them in a plastic bag and freeze them until garbage pick up day.

Is your cat constantly munching on your house plants? If that's the case there is a fix for this. Growing oat grass or catnip yourself might help entice your cats from your plants. Giving them plants that they can eat and like can help draw them to those plants over and over again.

Cat medications can be purchased affordable online. In some cases you may not manage to buy online, regarding emergencies, for instance. However, for standard medications, like flea medications or heart worm pills, online sources offer a substantial savings to pet owners.

If you're taking kitty on a road trip, don't play loud music. You may think it's a good idea to listen to loud music on your own stereo, but cats generally don't enjoy this. Keep the music turned down or off when taking your cat on a journey.

Do you love your cat but have problems with allergies? If giving up your feline-friend is not a thing that you can do, try these things first. Get rid of as much carpeting as you possibly can because your cats dander gets trapped inside it. You may also not allow your cat in your bedroom at all. This will make coping with your cat easier on your own allergies.

Create a little tablecloth for your cat. Cats sometimes like to eat food beyond their bowl. That can mean a bigger mess that you clean. Something as simple as a location mat can help make cleanup easier.

Consider adopting multiple cats, especially it'll be spending a significant amount of time alone. One cat can do fine alone, however two aren't a lot more work or expense than one, and will keep each other company and entertain one another. This will push away boredom, particularly if you work long hours.

Get your cat a breakaway collar. Make certain it has tags that reflect a telephone number, even though you are uncomfortable with an address. Cats can run outdoors or slip away, and you don't want to worry that you will never see your cat again. Make certain that there is adequate information so you can be reached.

Do not make an effort to bathe a kitten that is less than a month old. It is not super easy for a young kitten to regulate the temperature of their body. This may bring about the kitten obtaining a chill. To be on the safe side you need to wait between 12 and 16 weeks after they are born to bathe them for the very first time.

Cats are very energetic and you will help them expend that energy giving them toys. Keep cats amused and entertained. Use the tips from this article in selecting the right products for your cat.