Terraforming In Minecraft


Consue is a world-building genius and expert in the field of Terraforming. Consue designs landscapes of all sizes and shapes, from lush green continents to vibrant islands. It's not too surprising she has an eye for this, as she's seen plenty of natural wonders through her years.

Consue tells us that she was born in Chile, under the shade of the Andes Mountains. She then traveled for six years to the USA and now resides in Madrid with the central range mountains only an hour away.

As opposed to the typical builder, a terraformer spends most of the time outside of Minecraft working with external software programs to build the build (more on that later!) This is an indirect method of working, since you don't build blocks one at a time, but rather plan the entire terrain. Terraforming is also not dependent on blueprints, but instead rely on freestyling, creativity, and "boatloads of memory on computers" as Consue prefers to describe it. In her case, she gets her inspiration from real life photography.