Minecraft Elden ring has Arrived Thanks To Mods


Minecraft's version of Elden Ring is here, and it's amazing. It's not easy to combine the two giants of gaming However, modding and a dedicated YouTuber have made it possible. It's also a breeze to accomplish on your own.

The YouTuber in the question is AsianHalfSquat who makes a lot of Minecraft mod videos that highlight the great work that the community is creating in the game of building. They weren't highlighting just the same mod this time but many.

AsianHalfSquat explains each mod in detail. She also explains why they were chosen, what small adjustments you'll require and any possible problems they may cause. Although it is an overwhelming amount of information to process, it is worth the effort to go through the video to understand just how monumental this undertaking is. If you're interested in doing it yourself, you can find the Shattered Ring mod pack at the link below.

The game is very similar to Minecraft, but it's not what most players are familiar with. Combat is more complicated and involves different weapons. You will also need to consider new timings. Mashing buttons is no longer an option as the harder mobs will punish you. New bosses are abounding around the globe, ready to strike without notice as they destroy up the environment and decimate the players.

Dungeons are terrifying with a myriad of enemies and stunning textures lining their walls. They've even got dragons roaming around the world dropping explosive fireballs randomly to kill you and smolder the earth itself. This is one of those times that show how awesome Minecraft mods can be. We can't wait for the next chapter in the world of Minecraft Elden Ring cross-overs.