YouTuber Uses aI to make Minecraft and It's Terrifying

Minecraft is already a very clever game but it could be better, isn't it? AI is a bizarre method people can create things quickly and easily. Images from Dall-E are all over the internet and AI is very popular. It was just a matter of time until Minecraft got the AI treatment.

Mysticat, who can be found building tanks and making friends with them, decided that it was time to explore the full potential of Mojang's Voxel Universe. In their latest video, they go through a bunch of different AI systems to alter the way the game looks and sounds. Soundraw is used for music and sound effects, and Craiyon to create textures. You can follow along with each AI used in the video. Every small change adds to the total.

All of these small changes can result in a bizarre outcome. While some blocks like dirt appear pretty decent but the PNG images for flowers and the terrifying faces of some of the Minecraft mobs are nightmare fuel. The sound effects are frightening, with each animal sounding as if you'd expect to hear before the world succumbs to a demon invasion.

We think this is a good indication that people should be creating games and not AI-based sites. This also means that the inevitable machine revolt isn't too far away. We're still in trouble if Minecraft's Warden becomes real and escapes the game.