Reborn Baby Doll Magnetic Pacifiers Accessories Are just Adorable

    lisa ann

    What is a "reborn baby doll"? A reborn doll is simply a higher-end life-like sized doll, similar in size to a real newborn baby, that has been artistically transformed by do it yourself artists into life-like, realistic, beautiful babies from all different types of ethnic backgrounds. There are also smaller reborn baby dolls that are made as well. 

    Kiss Reborn Any existing brand name doll can be transformed from "it sort of looks real" into, "I can't believe this is not a real baby! " with some time and beautiful artistic work. Actually, this can be done with any doll that has removable parts. It's just that the more expensive dolls already come with many features that make them look real so they are easier to work with.

    The artist goes to work on the entire doll's body using paint and a special type of putty to redesign different areas of the doll. They may puff up the cheeks, add lines and wrinkles that don't already exist. They paint realistic veins and the paler almost transparent skin color of a newborn all over the doll. Life-like hair is actually rooted into the doll's head in many cases making it look just like a newborn. Some artists paint hair on the doll and it is so realistic you would never know that it wasn't real hair.

    In addition to working on the outside of the doll, many of the artists will glue magnets inside of the doll's head, mainly behind the mouth. Once those magnets are glued in, the doll is ready to accept the popular "binky" or pacifier's that, for the most part, are brand name pacifiers. The pacifiers are also modified with a magnet that is often covered with felt, that can be placed on the reborn baby doll's face to provide another realistic experience. Yes, even reborn babies like to suck on pacifiers!

    Magnets may also be placed in the baby doll's hands so they can hold other magnetic toys and accessories such as teddy bears, baby bottles, hold the binky instead of sucking on it, put their hands together to pray or to hold another doll's hand, etc. The reborn artists can use their imaginations as well to do whatever they like with their dolls before presenting them to the many moms and grandmas of this world who collect them to pass along to their families for generations to come.

    Where can you find these reborn baby doll accessories? The accessories are sold on private websites, on ebay and sometimes on Amazon. To find them you would just do a Bing or Google search using the key words "reborn baby doll accessories" or "reborn magnetic doll pacifiers" or simply "magnetic doll pacifiers".

    You can also find artists who are selling their "secrets" on how to make your own reborn baby doll look just the way you want him or her to. This can be an excellent project for you and your daughter or granddaughter to undertake. What a very special time that can create as well as many memories for years to come.