Why   Extended Stay Hotels Are a Better Option

    lisa ann

    Travelling for long periods and being away from home comforts can be taxing. Extended stay hotels ease the discomfort by providing you services that normal hotels don't provide and at lower prices.

    If you are planning for a long trip, typically lasting for over a month you may want to explore an extended stay hotels rather than the usual hotel.

    They often offer more convenience, comfort and value as they are geared up to serve your regular living needs rather than just a place to stay. They offer great services at great prices, and you will make your trip that much more enjoyable!

    How are they different?

    If you're wondering just how different extended stay hotels are from regular hotels, we have the answer. These hotels offer suites that come equipped with kitchenettes where you can cook, on-site laundry facilities, Tax Services Edmonton a dedicated place to work and other facilities like low cost wifi, daily housekeeping. In other words, the place is made suitable for you to live there temporarily - with all necessary amenities of your home.

    Are they a better option?

    Here are a few reasons why they are a good idea:

    • Convenience: The additional facilities that come as a part of an extended stay suite make a big difference in the quality of your stay, and therefore make it the more appropriate option for long trips.

    • Easy access: Be it on business or travelling for leisure, travel inside the city is unavoidable. These hotels are usually located in prime areas - next to an interstate highway or major shopping areas or the airport - making access a breeze for you.

    • Lower costs: Since the period of stay is much more than usual, hotels have packages that offer significant savings for you. As the period of stay increases, the savings also typically increase. Most hotels offer packages with special offers so you get additional benefits.

    • Facilities: The hotels come with a set of facilities like gym, swimming pool which means you can enjoy these with no additional money or effort!

    • Higher comfort: The range of conveniences end up making your hotel room comfy and set up to cater to all your needs, just like your home.

    • Friendly atmosphere: Staying over for a long period in one place helps you in getting acquainted with people in the hotel and other travellers, so you are not lacking for company.

    With so many advantageous, you can see how extended stay hotels make sense. So next time you are up for a long trip, check out the extended stay hotels that will bring you both comfort and savings.

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